Why Speed Matters?

There's one thing you will notice about successful websites. They are speedy and deliver content to their users faster than their competitors. Regardless of whether you have a WordPress site that utilizes Adsense, Amazon Affiliates , or you're selling some sort of item; page speed matters and it affects multiple important factors.


Frequently Asked Questions

1How long does the process take?
We complete our optimization tasks in the first 24 hours. In most cases, after tasks completed — you’ll get your final results with a before/after report. However, in some rare cases, we need extra 2/3 days for complicated websites.
2What information do you need to optimize my site speed?
We need a WordPress login and FTP/cPanel access. If you are not comfortable sharing any password, you can create temporary users for us.
3How much faster will my site be?
Our average increase rate is 150%. In most cases, you can expect at least a 100% improvement on your website loading time.
4Do you use Google Pagespeed Insights?
Yes, we use it to find areas to improve. However, it doesn't accurately measure site speed. It checks your site against a checklist of technical best practices. It's actually possible to get a rather high score in Pagespeed Insights, such as 90/100 or above, and still, have a slow loading site.

Pagespeed Insights also completely ignores critically important elements like geographic location, DNS hosting speed and reliability, content delivery networks and often spits out a bunch of recommendations that at best are marginal speed improvements and at worst a complete waste of time. GTmetrix and Pingdom are way better than Google Pagespeed Insights for speed measurement.
5Do you audit our WordPress plugins?
Yes, we analyze the currently active plugins and recommend alternatives if needed.
6Should I expect downtime?
None of our tasks will result in downtime.
7Will my website's design & functionality remain the same?
Yes, exactly the same. In some cases, we can advise you some changes that can affect speed positively but they are totally optional.
8Can you help us switch hosting?
Yes, our package includes hosting migration.

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