Why Speed Matters?
There's one thing you will notice about successful websites. They are speedy and deliver content to their users faster than their competitors. Regardless of whether you have a WordPress site that utilizes Adsense, Amazon Affiliates , or you're selling some sort of item; page speed matters and it affects multiple important factors.

Rank higher in SEPR
Google themselves have confirmed that page speed is an SEO ranking factor. Faster website means higher rankings. The same also applies for other search engines your website appears on!

Increase Leads & Sales
A slow website can have a negative effect on your bounce rate thus affecting your lead generation and conversions.

Better User Experience
The truth is, nobody likes a slow website. You are likely to leave if it takes too long to load, right? Faster website means happy visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions
Pagespeed Insights also completely ignores critically important elements like geographic location, DNS hosting speed and reliability, content delivery networks and often spits out a bunch of recommendations that at best are marginal speed improvements and at worst a complete waste of time. GTmetrix and Pingdom are way better than Google Pagespeed Insights for speed measurement.